

When I was a child, I witnessed my mother going through domestic violence with my youngest brother’s dad. I remember getting my two youngest brothers and stopping their ears up so they wouldn’t hear the yelling and cursing. The hardest part was when my mother was hospitalized from him nearly putting her eye out. I remember my mom crying and saying, she was leaving him because she couldn’t take it anymore and she did. Unfortunately, one summer as we were on vacation in our hometown of Pittsburg, TX, my mother was in Lake Charles Louisiana working and taking some nursing classes to give us a better life but in the process of it, all her life was taking at the age of 36 by a vicious man. I was only 16 at the time and getting that horrible news gave me a nervous breakdown. My siblings and I were separated because my grandmother was disabled and couldn’t care for us all. I remained with my grandmother and my siblings were with another family. It was so hard not having my mom to teach me certain things about life. I soon got out of high school and had my first son. I told myself that I would give my son the best that I could and I would never let anyone hurt us. By the time I was 23, I had my second son. I then moved to Dallas, TX and met this guy whom I thought the world of. He showered me with everything I never had before and I fell in love with him. Soon after, I became pregnant with our son and the nightmare began. He started changing. He would start a fight with me just because I remember telling him about my mom and how she lost her life and I feared the fact that I never wanted to die like that. The fighting continued so I left him with everything we had and started over because I was tired of the fighting and I had to get my babies out of there. He found out where we stayed and broke in my home and was hiding until I went to bed. He came out with a knife in his hand and told me, if he couldn’t have me, no one could and held me down stabbing at me. I managed to get out leaving my babies behind to save my life, so I could still be here for them and not having someone else raise them like we were. At the time, I didn’t know I had been severely injured. After that, he destroyed my home and was later caught by the authorities and did 7 years in prison. Since then, I knew I had to do something to end domestic violence. So, as the years went by, I tried a lot of different jobs but was always led back to my calling from God. I’m always thinking 24/7 on how and what to do to put this horrible disease to a halt. So, I came up with “A VOICE HEARD”, meaning that every voice that’s going through a domestic violence situation will and can be heard and not overlooked. I want to hear every victim one day say, “I AM A SURVIVOR”.